This tutorial will specially cover how to setup Teradata Express(DB) on Mac OS. Similarly setup on windows can be done.

Teradata Setup on Mac

This tutorial will specially cover how to setup Teradata Express(DB) on Mac OS. Similarly setup on windows can be done.

Two software need to be downloaded for running Teradata on Mac OS.

Starting the setup after downloading required files.

  1. Adding Teradata to the VMware Fusion Player
    • Open the VMware Player.
    • Click Open a Virtual Machine.
    • Navigate to the folder where extracted Teradata Virtual image was kept.
    • Select the .vmx file and click OK.

  2. Starting Teradata Virtual Machine
    • Select 'TDExpress16.20_Sles11' (or other version) from left sidebar under Virtual Machines in VMware Player.
    • Machine will start up after brief processing and it will ask for username & password.
      • Login: root
      • Password: root
    • Once login is successful, desktop window will be visible in WMware Player

  3. Step 1 & Step 2 have been visualized in the below video

Initiating database and login to Teradata database user.