This tutorial will explain various date/timestamp functions(Part 1) available in Pyspark which can be used to perform date/timestamp related operations.

PySpark: Dataframe Date Functions Part 1

current_timestamp function(): current_timestamp function can be used to get current timestamp.

current_date function(): current_date function can be used to get current date.

year function(): year function can be used to extract year from a date or timestamp.

month function(): month function can be used to extract month from a date or timestamp.

dayofmonth function(): dayofmonth function can be used to extract day of the month from a date or timestamp.

dayofyear function(): dayofyear function can be used to extract day of the year from a date or timestamp.

dayofweek function(): dayofweek function can be used to extract day of the week from a date or timestamp.

quarter function(): quarter function can be used to extract quarter of the year from a date or timestamp.

hour function(): hour function can be used to extract hour from a date or timestamp.

minute function(): minute function can be used to extract minute from a date or timestamp.

second function(): second function can be used to extract second from a date or timestamp.